Revised: 23 January 2016


Medicines Classification Committee

Timelines for reclassification submissions and consultations

The process for reclassification undertaken by the Medicines Classification Committee (MCC) consists the following consultation steps:

The deadline for submissions to be included in the meeting agenda close at least 14 weeks before the date of the meeting. Within a time frame of two weeks, the Chair reviews the submissions to decide which items is tabled, and the agenda will be published soon after.

Following the publication of the agenda, there is a six week consultation period during which interested parties can provide comment on the agenda items.

The meeting documentation including comments on agenda items is prepared for the MCC within the next four weeks. The documentation is to be provided to the Committee at least four weeks prior to the meeting. Also at this time, the comments on agenda items are published on the Medsafe website at

The minutes of the meeting are published seven weeks post meeting and a period of 10 days is provided in which objections to the recommendations can be raised.



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