Published: 7 November 2022
Safety Information
#MedSafetyWeek 2022

This year we celebrate the seventh annual #MedSafetyWeek. The Medicines Safety Week is running from 7 until 13 November with the goal to encourage everyone to report suspected side effects of medicines.
This year’s global campaign involves medicines regulators from 81 countries and focuses on the key role of every healthcare professional, patient, and carer who reports a suspected side effect and contributes to using medicines safely.
Read the media statement. Help make medicines better for everyone by reporting suspected side effects.
Watch out for our tweets, join the conversation, and help us spread the word #MedSafetyWeek.

All medicines may cause side effects.
Medsafe monitors the safety of medicines to help protect patients from harm.
Your help is crucial, so we can keep watch for safety issues and make medicines safer for everyone. Please report suspected side effects:
#MedSafetyWeek #ReportSideEffects #PatientSafety

Did you know you can help us make medicines safer for everyone by reporting any suspected side effects to the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM)?
Every report counts.
Please report any suspected side effects from medicines:
#MedSafetyWeek #ReportSideEffects #PatientSafety

When you report a suspected side effect, we learn more about the safety of the medicine. Your experience can help us make medicines safer for everyone.
Please report any suspected side effects from medicines:
#MedSafetyWeek #ReportSideEffects #PatientSafety

#MedSafetyWeek is coming to an end, but we still need your help to make medicines safer for everyone.
When you report a side effect, make sure you fill in the reporting form with all the details about the medicine you are taking and the symptoms you are experiencing.
This will make it easier for us to investigate the side effects of the medicine.
Thank you for reporting:
#MedSafetyWeek #ReportSideEffects #PatientSafety