Revised: 21 February 2025

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Oral Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy - Archive 1996 to 2004

The information in these archived pages is out-of-date and should only be used for historical purposes. Similarly, links to external websites may no longer work.
March/April 2004
The New Zealand Guidelines Group (NZGG) recently updated their guideline on HRT
November 2003
Prescriber Update article - HRT: New advice from the Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee
Media release - Ministry of Health Strengthens Warnings Over Use of HRT
May 2003
Media release - Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
November 2002
Prescriber Update article - Hormone Replacement Therapy: Rapid Review
September 2002
Letter to Health Professionals about HRT
New Zealand Guidelines Group - Hormone Replacement Therapy Update - Archived (PDF, 2 pages, 325 KB)
Media release - New Hormone Replacement Therapy guidelines supported
July 2002
Media release - Study highlights potential risk following prolonged use of oestrogen-only HRT
Media release - Hormone Replacement Therapy Risks Known, Acted On
Media release - Information for HRT prescribers
June 2002
Prescriber Update article - POPs: an option post-VTE
March 2002
Letter to Doctors/Midwives/Pharmacists about VTE with cyproterone-containing OCs
Prescriber Update article - Venous thromboembolism with Diane 35™ and Estelle 35™
Ministry of Health (Medsafe) advice on the use of combined oral contraceptives
Patient Info leaflet - oral contraceptives and blood clots
Media release - New advice about oral contraceptives
November 2001
Media release - Ministry of Health consulted on Estelle-35 ED™ recall
October 2001
European Medicines Agency advice matches that given in New Zealand
June 2000
Letter to NZ doctors, midwives & pharmacists about third generation oral contraceptive pills
Ministry of Health (Medsafe) advice on the use of combined oral contraceptives
New Zealand Study of Deaths from Pulmonary Embolism in Women of Child-Bearing Age
Media release - New Zealand published study on oral contraceptives published
May 1999
Prescriber Update article - Update On Deaths With Third Generation Oral Contraceptives
Media release - Ministry reinforces advice on third generation contraceptives
March 1999
Prescriber Update article - Avoiding Pregnancy Risk When Changing Oral Contraceptives
Media release - Ministry of Health distributes third generation pill information package
Media release - Ministry advice on pill consistent, consensual and commonsense
Media release - Publicity to inform women about oral contraceptives
February 1999
Oral Contraceptives and Venous Thromboembolism
December 1998
Prescriber Update article - Deaths with Third Generation Oral Contraceptives
Media release - Ministry of Health renews oral contraceptive advice
August 1997
Prescriber Update article - The Safety of Combined Oral Contraceptives - Ischaemic & Haemorrhagic Stroke, Breast & Cervical Cancer
July 1996
Advice on the Use of Combined Oral Contraceptives
February 1996
Prescriber Update article - The Risk of Venous Thromboembolism with Third Generation Oral Contraceptives
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