Database updated: 24 June 2024

Safety Information

Medsafe Online Recall Database

Detail of Recall

Type of Product:Device
Medsafe Reference:29278
Brand Name:San Agustin General-purpose syringe IIa
Model:Product Code 300865
Affected:All Lot Numbers Within Expiry
Software version:
Recalling Organisation:Becton Dickinson Ltd
14B George Bourke Drive
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060
Contact Information:0800 572 468
Manufacturer:Becton Dickinson SA
Issue:The manufacturer has received complaints reporting and observation of air in damaged syringes for BD Plastipak™ 50ml Syringe with Luer-Lok™ Tip. When a damaged barrel syringe is used with a syringe pump, there is a possibility that ingress of air into the syringe could potentially inject air into the vascular system. Also, a flow rate fluctuation may occur altering the flow of medications within the syringe.
Recall action type:Correction
Recall action:Instructions for use to be updated
Level of recall:Hospital/Pharmacy/Laboratory
Date Commenced:19/4/2022
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