Database updated: 15 April 2024

Safety Information

Medsafe Online Recall Database

Detail of Recall

Type of Product:Device
Medsafe Reference:20957
Brand Name:Nortec patient lifting sling
Affected:Keyhole clip
Software version:
Recalling Organisation:Zenitec Holdings Ltd
135-137 Ettrick St
Invercargill 9840
Contact Information:
Manufacturer:Zenitec Holdings Ltd
Brand Name:Nortec patient stand-up sling
Affected:Keyhole Clip
Software version:
Recalling Organisation:Zenitec Holdings Ltd
135-137 Ettrick St
Invercargill 9840
Contact Information:
Manufacturer:Zenitec Holdings Ltd
Issue:There have been four recorded cases of failure of the keyhole clip that attaches a sling to a pivot framed hoist. These keyhole clips are the black plastic component this is attached to the sling by means of a webbing strap threaded through a slot. The affected clips have all broken at the slot.
The fault has been tracked to two batches of product which were made with incorrect machine settings by the clip manufacturer.
Recall action type:Recall
Recall action:Product to be exchanged
Level of recall:Public Recall
Date Commenced:18/1/2017
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