Published: 18 February 2021
Revised: 19 December 2022
Archived: 21 August 2024

About Medsafe

COVID-19 Archive

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Form

An online adverse event reporting form is now available. Healthcare professionals and consumers are encouraged to use this new reporting form.

New reporting form

A new online reporting form for adverse events is now available.

Please use this new form to report all suspected AEFIs for COVID-19 vaccines. You don’t have to be certain that the vaccine caused the event.

Online reporting will help provide a close to real-time safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Why report adverse events?

Medsafe is actively encouraging healthcare professionals and consumers to report suspected AEFIs for COVID-19 vaccines to:

  • add to the information we already know about the safety profile of each vaccine
  • act as an early warning system for the identification of previous unrecognised or rare side effects.

Medsafe and regulators across the globe are sharing emerging anonymised safety data.

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More information

See the data sheets and consumer medicine information for the expected reactions for approved COVID-19 vaccines.

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