Published: December 2010


Test your knowledge - end of year Prescriber Update Quiz

This article is more than five years old. Some content may no longer be current.

Prescriber Update 31(4): 35
December 2010

  1. Why was dextropropoxyphene withdrawn in New Zealand?
  2. Name five medicines used in New Zealand that are commonly associated with photosensitivity reactions.
  3. What precautions need to be considered when switching brands of fentanyl patches?
  4. On 1 December 2010, ketamine was reclassified to:
    1. Prescription Medicine
    2. Class C(4) Controlled drug
    3. Class A Controlled Drug
    4. General Sales Medicine
  5. Tramadol has been associated with cases of serotonin syndrome. True or False.
  6. Name the medicine that has been associated with cases of male breast cancer this year.
  7. How should the interaction between sodium valproate and the carbapenems be managed?
  8. What is the difference between acitretin and isotretinoin?
  9. Name three non-cardiac medicines that are associated with QT prolongation.
  10. Omeprazole datasheets are being updated to include information about what type of electrolyte disturbance?

Answers to the quiz are available at:


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