Suspected Medicine Adverse Reaction Search (SMARS) Disclaimer

Essential information about SMARS
What to remember when using SMARS
About the release of this information
Use of SMARS data
Further information

Essential information about the Suspected Medicine Adverse Reaction Search (SMARS)

An assessment of the safety of a medicine cannot be made using only the information contained in the Suspected Medicine Adverse Reaction Search (SMARS). Medsafe advises patients NOT to make any changes to their medicine treatment based on information contained in SMARS. Changes to treatment should only be made following consultation with a healthcare professional.

What to remember when using SMARS

SMARS contains anonymised information from reports of suspected adverse reactions to medicines but does not include:

About the release of this information

This information is released in keeping with the purpose of the Official Information Act 1982 to increase the availability of official information to the people of New Zealand. Data contained in SMARS does not include any personal information within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1993.

Medsafe's copyright statement

Use of SMARS data

If you wish to copy or circulate information from SMARS, please ensure that a copy of these guidelines is provided. Prior to any publication of data you must contact Medsafe ( and include in the publication:

Further information

If you require further information, please contact Medsafe.